A professional business environment supporting every size and type of business

Prestigious Pride Park mailing address for company use
Giving your business the benefits of an in-house receptionist
Prestigious Pride Park mailing address for company use
Giving your business the benefits of an in-house receptionist
An economical alternative to employing a PA for your business
We’ll complete the order process, allowing you to focus on your clients.
An economical alternative to employing a PA for your business
We’ll complete the order process, allowing you to focus on your clients.
Peter Eldridge,
St. Christopher’s Way is situated on a prestigious office campus, conveniently situated within one of the East Midlands’ premier business locations.
The Oberoi Business Hub has excellent frontage onto Pride Parkway; one of the main access routes through Pride Park.
We are located within easy walking distance of the city centre and Derby train station, with excellent road links making for easy access to both the A52 and M1.
Call us on 01332 546 920
or email info@oberoibusinesshub.co.uk today.